Your Donations Enable Our Work
We are all volunteers at EFF-Austin and our work is enabled through donations from concerned citizens like you.
Mission Statement
EFF-Austin advocates establishment and protection of digital rights and defense of the wealth of digital information, innovation, and technology. We promote the right of all citizens to communicate and share information without unreasonable constraint. We also advocate the fundamental right to explore, tinker, create, and innovate along the frontier of emerging technologies.
Who We Are
EFF-Austin is an independent nonprofit civil liberties organization concerned with emerging frontiers where technology meets society. We are a group of visionary technologists, legal professionals, academics, political activists and concerned citizens who work to protect digital rights and educate the public about emerging technologies and their implications.
Similar to our namesake, the national Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), “the dominion we defend is the vast wealth of digital information, innovation, and technology that resides online.”
EFF-Austin was originally formed in 1991 with the intention that it would become the first chapter of the national Electronic Frontier Foundation. However, EFF decided not to become a chapters organization, and EFF-Austin became a separately-incorporated, independent nonprofit organization focusing on cyber liberties, digital rights, and emerging technologies.
An audio history of EFF-Austin (and why we’re not formally connected to the national EFF) is available here.
Website: EFF-Austin
Email: info@effaustin.org
- President: Kevin Welch
- Vice President: Alex Shahrestani
- Secretary: Jon Lebkowsky
- Treasurer: Heather Barfield
Board of Directors